Mommy Tuck

Restore the Look of Pre-Baby Contours with a Post-Pregnancy Tummy Tuck in Nashville


It is completely normal for a woman’s body to change during pregnancy and after having a baby. Nonetheless, many women remain concerned about their postpartum belly—and wish they could once again enjoy to their pre-pregnancy contours. An abdominoplasty, also sometimes referred to by patients as a “tummy tuck” or “Mommy Tuck” at Nashville Plastic Surgery Institute, can be performed as a standalone procedure or as part of a combination of body contouring procedures included in a Mommy Makeover.


A Mommy Tuck can address physical changes to the abdominal area, which may linger longer after pregnancy. These changes include stretched-out skin, weakened muscles, and diet-resistant fat on the belly area.


Want more advice about the benefits of a “Mommy Tuck” in Nashville? To find out more about cost, preparation, and recovery, contact the Nashville Plastic Surgery Institute office online to request a consultation or call us today at 615.932.7700.

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Mommy Tuck: How Does the Stomach Area Change During and After Pregnancy?

A developing baby will cause the belly to grow significantly during pregnancy. This is because a baby increasingly takes up room in the abdomen, pushing outward and creating a bulge that separates muscles, stretches skin, and causes other changes.

Not surprisingly, the body—and especially the belly area—need time to adjust and recover after you’ve had a baby. Following a birth, it can take months for the uterus to shrink back to its pre-pregnancy size. Unfortunately, not every part of the body goes back as easily to the way it looked before.

Stretch marks, loose skin, and a lax feeling in the stomach area’s tissues are some of the most common external changes. Pregnancy can also cause the abdominal muscles to become over-stretched and allow the organs behind them to protrude a bit, which is a condition known as diastasis recti. This happens when the long, flat muscles that run vertically down the stomach pull apart from each other and the connective tissue between them stretches.

These are problems that can’t be addressed with diet and exercise alone. A Mommy Tuck, however, is ideal for restoring a flatter, slimmer abdominal area.

How Does Mommy Tuck Surgery Work?

Since abdominal muscles, skin, and other tissues might not return to their taut, pre-baby shape, a Mommy Tuck is designed to remove the excess skin and underlying, stubborn fat, as well as to repair weakened abdominal muscles. This results in a smoother, firmer, and slimmer appearance.

There are different types of tucks that can be included in a Mommy Makeover. The traditional technique involves repositioning the navel to an anatomically correct location, while a mini tummy tuck removes only skin below the navel, so no repositioning is necessary. You can browse Mommy Tuck before and after photos in our photo gallery to see the results that are possible.

No matter the specific Mommy Tuck technique, if fat reduction is involved, Dr. Jacob Unger prefers Liposuction 360 for its ability to create beautiful contours from all angles by slimming the abdomen, flanks, and lower back.

How Can You Maintain the Results from a Mommy Tuck?

The results from Mommy Tuck surgery are lasting, but future pregnancies or significant fluctuations in weight can “undo” the effects. It’s recommended that you postpone having a Mommy Tuck operation if you plan on having more children or losing a significant amount of weight in the future.

What Body Contouring Procedures Are Available Aside from a Mommy Tuck?

The Nashville Plastic Surgery Institute team can combine a Mommy Tuck with other cosmetic surgeries—such as breast augmentation or breast lift (“mommy breast surgery“), or liposuction—as part of a “mommy surgery” or “full Mommy Makeover” for patients who want to address multiple areas at the same time. Each of the procedures included in a “mom body” makeover can also be done individually, if desired, depending on personal preferences and areas of concern.

For patients who want to address sagging skin on other areas of the body and sculpt more defined contours—especially if they have stretched skin after major weight loss—we may recommend a body lift, arm lift, or thigh lift. A Brazilian butt lift involves transferring fat from another area of the body to the buttocks for a curvier, more volumized appearance.

No matter which procedures you want to combine, don’t just search “Mommy Makeover near me” and go with the first result. Take the time to find an experienced and talented surgeon who listens to your concerns and has a proven track record for creating beautiful, natural-looking results—a surgeon like the board-certified Dr. Jacob Unger, internationally renowned for his thorough and precise approach to body contouring.


Ready to learn more about Mommy Tuck surgery? Contact Nashville Plastic Surgery Institute to get started. To request an appointment with Dr. Jacob Unger, fill out a contact form or call today at 615.932.7700 to discuss a consultation.

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