Seeking a “Mommy Makeover Near Me?”

Find the Right Body-Sculpting Plastic Surgeon for You in Nashville


Many patients who want a cosmetic change after having a baby ask, “Where can I get a Mommy Makeover near me?” Nashville Plastic Surgery Institute’s Dr. Jacob Unger is a board-certified plastic surgeon who is highly experienced in this form of cosmetic surgery and can provide a customized suite of surgical procedures designed to address areas of the body that are affected by pregnancy, such as the breasts and abdomen.



Looking for an answer to the question: “What is the best Mommy Makeover near me in Nashville, TN?” Contact the Nashville Plastic Surgery Institute office online to request a consultation or call us today at 615.932.7700.

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What Is a Mommy Makeover and How Does It Work?

If you are looking up plastic surgery options by typing “Mommy Makeover near me,” “Mommy tuck surgery near me,” or “Mommy Makeover cost near me,” you may also have questions about how this procedure works and the primary benefits you might enjoy. In many cases, people will search for something like “What is the best Mommy Makeover near me?” when pregnancy and childbirth have caused changes to their body. These changes can include loose skin or damaged muscles on the abdomen, changes in the size and shape of their breasts, drooping of the breasts, and new deposits of stubborn fat on certain areas that are unresponsive to conventional weight-loss methods.

Unlike many other kinds of cosmetic surgery, a Mommy Makeover or “mom body makeover” consists of a combination of different procedures. Standard Mommy Makeover surgeries will usually include a tummy tuck and some form of breast surgery. They also tend to involve surgical fat reduction, with Dr. Jacob Unger preferring Liposuction 360 in order to effectively shape not just the abdomen, but the flanks and lower back as well.

This is not a “one size fits all” procedure, as Dr. Unger takes a personalized approach and tailors each surgery to the patient’s preferences.

People who search for “best plastic surgeon for Mommy Makeover near me” can rest assured that Dr. Unger will provide thoroughly comprehensive care and guide them through each part of the process to help them achieve optimal results.

Why Should I Choose a Plastic Surgeon Near Me for a Mommy Makeover?

More common questions related to post-baby body contouring include “How do I find the top Mommy Makeover surgeons near me?” and “How much does a full body Mommy Makeover near me cost?”

Aside from ensuring that your surgeon is qualified, board-certified, and experienced in Mommy Makeover surgery, consider having the procedure done in your local area for ease of recovery. Full Mommy Makeovers and other plastic surgery options (such as “mommy breast surgery“) are usually not so-called “one-and-done procedures.” Patients will often need follow-up and ongoing care in order to maximize their beautiful results. This is why many patients prefer to go to a local plastic surgeon rather than travel out of state for a Mommy Makeover. If you want to know, “Where can I get a Mommy Makeover near me?” Dr. Unger can provide more details about his approach to this surgery.

Which Other Cosmetic Surgery Options Are Available at NPSI?

Individuals who are looking for “Mommy Makeover near me” or information about costs, preparation, and recovery associated with this procedure can find out more from our team. In addition to “mommy surgery,” Nashville Plastic Surgery Institute also provides a complete range of cosmetic surgery procedures to enhance the body, such as breast surgeries, including breast augmentation, breast lift, and breast reduction. Other contouring options include tummy tuck, liposuction, body lift, arm lift, and thigh lift.


If you′re searching for “Mommy Makeover near me,” Nashville Plastic Surgery Institute′s Dr. Jacob Unger can provide further info on this procedure. To request an appointment with a plastic surgeon, fill out a contact form or call today at 615.932.7700 to schedule a consultation.

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