What Is a “Mom Body Makeover?”

Address Common Post-Pregnancy Cosmetic Concerns with a Combination of Sophisticated Surgical Techniques in Nashville


A Mommy Makeover is an ideal procedure to consider if you want to address body contour changes typically experienced by new mothers: sagging breasts, stubborn fat pockets, and a lax abdominal area. Some people call the combination of surgeries a “Mommy Body Makeover,” “New Mom Makeover,” or “Mom Body Makeover.” At Nashville Plastic Surgery Institute, Dr. Jacob Unger and the team know that no matter what patients call it, it remains an especially popular approach to plastic surgery.



Ready to find out more about a Mom Body Makeover in Nashville? If you′re searching for “Mommy Body Makeover near me,” you can find out more about the procedure—including surgical details, recovery, and cost of a Mommy Body Makeover—from Nashville Plastic Surgery Institute. Request a consultation online or call us today at 615.932.7700.

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Mom Body Makeover: What is a “Mom Body?”

As a highly sought-after board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Jacob Unger often hears similar questions from patients considering a cosmetic change: “What is a Mom Body?” and “Do I have a Mom Body?” are common. For anyone considering a Mom Body Makeover, a “Mom Body” can be thought of as the female equivalent of what the media tends to call a “Dad Bod”—a body shape common among middle aged men who may have once been athletic. The so-called “Dad Bod” physique is relatively slim but not toned, and they may have accumulated more fat on the midsection.

A “Mom Body” or postpartum body develops in a different way, which may have been subtly or more noticeably impacted by pregnancy. A “Mom Body” may have stretch marks, cellulite, loose skin, and sagging associated with pregnancy and childbirth. This body type is usually not overweight or obese, but is also not muscular or skinny.

Some patients who are having a Mom Body Makeover describe a “Mom Body” simply as being the body shape of any mother. In other words, it doesn’t have to fit a specific criteria. No matter your definition, however, a complete body makeover surgery or Mom Body Makeover can help you to address unwanted physical changes. Please browse the Mommy Makeover before and after photos on our website to discover the results possible with a 360 Mommy Makeover and more.

How Can a “Mom Body Makeover” Benefit You?

A Mom Body Makeover is a form of cosmetic surgery that can help patients to regain a pre-baby silhouette. Mom Body Makeover surgery is often just what it sounds like—a whole body makeover surgery—but Dr. Unger does not take a one-size-fits-all approach. The combination of sophisticated procedures for each Mommy Surgery will vary depending on the patient’s specific needs and goals.

Most Mom Body Makeover surgeries will include strategies and techniques for addressing the breasts and abdomen, with such mommy breast surgery procedures as breast augmentation or a breast lift, as well as a tummy tuck (sometimes referred to as a “Mommy Tuck”). Mommy Makeover liposuction as part of a “Mom Bod Makeover” or full Mommy Makeover can remove resistant fat from isolated areas on the body beyond the abdomen and breasts. Some patients may also decide to have a Mommy Makeover and BBL (Brazilian butt lift), although these two procedures aren’t typically combined in the same Mom Body Makeover surgery. Also, though many people are interested in a Plus Size Mommy Makeover, it is best to be close to your ideal weight if you’re having a Mom Body Makeover.

Which Cosmetic Surgery Procedures Are Available in Addition to a Mom Body Makeover?

Along with full body makeovers, Nashville Plastic Surgery Institute offers a variety of other options for enhancing your physique, including a Brazilian butt lift that can add volume and sculpt shapelier buttocks, a body lift, arm lift, and thigh lift—all of which are highly effective for patients who want to address loose skin and better define their body contours. Patients may also choose liposuction, breast augmentation, or a tummy tuck on their own as standalone procedures rather than having a total Mom Body Makeover.


Wondering, “Where can I get a Mommy Makeover near me?” To discover more about the cost of a Mommy Makeover and what else to expect from a Mom Body Makeover, contact Nashville Plastic Surgery Institute. Request an appointment, fill out a contact form, or call us today at 615.932.7700 to discuss a consultation.

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