Bilateral Mastopexy

Provider : Dr. Jacob Unger


This 31 yr. old mom of 3 wanted to address her lowered breasts. Post breastfeeding, she experienced what most breast feeding moms encounter. Dr. Unger performed a bilateral breast lift (mastopexy). Patient was happy to return to a more youthful breast shape and now feels comfortable wearing all tyopes of clothing with or without a bra!

*Individual patient results may vary
Dr. Jacob
World Renowned Plastic Surgery


Dr. Jacob Unger is a board-certified plastic surgeon committed to superior outcomes and building vital relationships with each patient. He takes every step to improve the patient experience, from the first consultation through enjoying long-term transformative results. Discover what sets our skilled and experienced team apart.


Dr. Jacob

Dr. Jacob Unger is a board-certified plastic surgeon committed to superior outcomes and building vital relationships with each patient. He takes every step to improve the patient experience, from the first consultation through enjoying long-term transformative results. Discover what sets our skilled and experienced team apart.