Abdominoplasty - Case #17

Provider : Dr. Jacob Unger


This patient came to us in hopes of receiving a "mommy makeover" after having six children. The patient wanted shape and contour back that she had lost after childbirth, and repair her large rectus diastasis (split ab muscles that occurs commonly after pregnancy). Dr. Unger was able to perform an abdominoplasty with liposuction to the flanks to better define the result, giving her back her waist from before having children.

*Individual patient results may vary
Dr. Jacob
World Renowned Plastic Surgery


Dr. Jacob Unger is a board-certified plastic surgeon committed to superior outcomes and building vital relationships with each patient. He takes every step to improve the patient experience, from the first consultation through enjoying long-term transformative results. Discover what sets our skilled and experienced team apart.


Dr. Jacob

Dr. Jacob Unger is a board-certified plastic surgeon committed to superior outcomes and building vital relationships with each patient. He takes every step to improve the patient experience, from the first consultation through enjoying long-term transformative results. Discover what sets our skilled and experienced team apart.